.. overview:: LPC syntax :name: syntax .. todo:: vary this language depending on whether we're generating HTML or plaintext (or make it generic enough to suit both) This directory collects information about the LPC language provided by the LDMud parser and driver. .. todo:: consider breaking this down into feature categories for easier browsing? .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: :includehidden: * .. todo:: when we use the TOC method of generating links instead of the explicit one, we don't get the benefit of the ref-specific styling. For most of these docs this is irrelephant, but at least of this writing the plaintext copy for the mapping guide gives us no clue as to what file it's in. This may just be an artifact of the present decision to define both the mapping type *and* include the mapping guide in mappings.rst as top-level directives, (problem may self-resolve when I address that...) .. seealso:: :overview:`applied`, :overview:`topics`, :overview:`efun`, :overview:`hook`, :overview:`internals`, :overview:`master`, :overview:`obsolete`