Topics covered:

  • Prerequisites: what do you need to compile and run LDMud-3.5.x
  • Unix or Unix-like systems (like Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X, ...).
  • 64 bit systems (LP64 model)
  • Compiling for 32-bit environments on 64-bit systems
  • Compiling sources directly from our git repository
  • IPv6
  • mySQL
  • Windows 95/98/NT/XP


  • a POSIX.1-2001 conformant platform

  • a C99 compatible build environment

  • bison (yacc won’t work! bison 2.7.x is known to work)

  • supported architectures: i386, x86_64 (work in progress, see section about

    64 bit systems). Other platforms are not actively supported and tested by us, but many will most likely work as well. Please try and tell us about your experiences.

  • autoconf and automake for compiling sources directly from our git


Optional libraries: - libpcre for the support of PCRE compatible regular expressions - mysql for the mysql package - postgresql for the postgresql package - libsqlite3 for the sqlite package - libgcrypt for various optional algorithms for hashing and crypting - OpenSSL or GnuTLS for TLS support - libxml2 or libiksemel for XML support - json-c (libjson0) for JSON support

Unix or Unix-like system

The driver uses a standard autoconfiguration system which on most systems does all the work for you (for exceptions see below). To prepare the compilation, execute the ‘configure’ script from within the src/ directory. [Note: If you got LDMud from our git repository please execute the script in src/ to generate the configure script and other auto-generated files.]

If you have git or compile for other people (e.g. to distribute a binary), it is seriously recommended to compile from a cloned git repository. Otherwise the version information of the binary will not be precise.

configure checks for a number of site specific settings and uses this information to create the files machine.h (from, Makefile (from and config.h (from We’ll come back to config.h below.

configure takes a lot of arguments (–help will tell you everything), but the most important are these:

–prefix=PREFIX: the base directory for the mud installation,
defaults to /usr/local/mud .
–bindir=DIR: the directory to install the executables in,
defaults to ${PREFIX}/bin .
–libdir=DIR: the directory where the mudlib is found,
defaults to ${PREFIX}/lib .
–includedir=DIR: the directory where driver’s LPC include files
are supposed to live. defaults to ${PREFIX}/include (which is usually wrong).
–libexecdir=DIR: the directory where the programs for the ERQ are found,
defaults to ${PREFIX}/libexec .

These settings are written into the Makefile and compiled into the driver, just the mudlib directory setting can be changed with a commandline argument.

A lot of the drivers parameters can be tweaked for better performance; these parameters are defined in config.h . This file too is created by configure, which provides sensible defaults for all parameters for which no explicite setting is provided. To tweak a setting yourself, pass the argument ‘–enable-<option>=yes|no’ resp. ‘–with-<option>=<value>’ to configure on the commandline.

Alternatively, the indivial specifications can be collected in a settings file, which is stored in the directory src/settings/. To use the setting file <osb>, give ‘–with-<osb>’ as argument to configure. The file src/settings/default documents the available settings. The setting files are self-executing: ‘./settings/<foo> [<extra-configure-args>]’ will start configure with the proper commandline arguments.

The following environment variables can be used to tweak the behaviour of the configure script:

CC: the name of the C compiler CFLAGS: compiler flags to be used during the configure script EXTRA_CFLAGS: compiler flags to be used when compiling the game driver LDFLAGS: linker flags to be used by configure and for linking the

game driver.

After configuration is finished, you may want to modify the Makefile to fine tune those parameters which are not covered by the configuration.

The compilation is done using make. Following targets are implemented:

<none>: compile the driver, named ‘ldmud’. install: compile the driver and install it in ${bindir} utils: compile the utilities, especially the ERQ demon install-utils: compile and install the utilities in ${bindir} install-headers: install the driver header files in ${includedir}. install-all: compile and install everything.

To actually run a mud, you need a mudlib. The driver comes with the source of the old 2.4.5 mudlib in mud/lp-245/, support for other mudlibs is also found in mud/. Copy all mudlib files into your ‘lib’ directory and make sure that the files from mudlib/sys/ all go into your lib’s include directory (usually ‘sys/’).

After compilation, you may run our testsuite (work in progress!) in the test subdirectory (launch test/

To test the driver, start it with ‘ldmud 4242’. If you see the message ‘LDMud ready for users’, the driver is up and accepting connections. Test it with ‘telnet localhost 4242’.

64 bit systems (using the LP64 model)

The driver can be compiled on systems which use the LP64 data model (longs and pointers are 64 bit wide). This is the case on many unixoids (but not Windows). There are some muds, which use the driver on LP64 architectures. However, it still has some issues on these architectures. For details please have a look at our bug tracker ( in the category ‘portability’ (and there probably are some unknown ones as well). Full support for LP64 machines is planned in the current development series 3.5.x. If you are willing to test and report issues, please do so. ;-)

WARNING: LPC savefiles from 64 bit systems with integers exceeding the
(signed) 32 bit integers can’t be restored on 32 bit systems!

If you want to compile the driver for a 64 bit platforms and your compiler does not produce LP64 code by default, we suggest to set CFLAGS, LDFLAGS and EXTRA_CFLAGS (and maybe CC) prior to configure to suitable values to cause your compiler to compile for the desired platform, e.g. # export CFLAGS=”-m64” # export LDFLAGS=”-m64” # export EXTRA_CFLAGS=$CFLAGS # ./configure

Setting EXTRA_FLAGS is important, otherwise the driver will be compiled using different compiler options that the ones used during the configure run. It is crucial that you DON’T CHANGE the compiler options controlling the platform in the generated Makefile, unless you know very well what you do. (If the machine.h generated by configure is for a different platform, the driver may assume wrong sizes of data types, resulting in undefined behaviour and crashes.)

Compiling for 32-bit environments on 64-bit systems

If you want to compile the driver for a 32 bit platforms and your compiler does produce LP64 code by default, we suggest to set CFLAGS, LDFLAGS and EXTRA_CFLAGS (and maybe CC) prior to configure to suitable values to cause your compiler to compile for the desired platform, e.g. # export CFLAGS=”-m32” # export LDFLAGS=”-m32” # export EXTRA_CFLAGS=$CFLAGS # ./configure

Compiling sources directly from our git repository

If you want to be on the bleeding edge of development, you may check out the LDMud sources from our git repository at github:

To clone the repo:
git clone

LDMud-3.5.x (current development branch) is in the branch master. LDMud-3.3.x in master-3.3 and LDMud-3.2.x in master-3.2.

There are also various tags for various releases.

You will need the autoconf package to generate and update some files Prior to configuring the driver, please run: # ./ in the src/ directory. Then configure the driver as usual.


If your machine supports IPv6, the driver can be configured to use it: give ‘–enable-use-ipv6=yes’ as argument to the configure script.


If your machine has mySQL installed, the driver can be configured to use it: give ‘–enable-use-mysql=yes’ as argument to the configure script.

Alternatively, if your mySQL uses an unusual include/library path, the option can be given as ‘–enable-use-mysql=/unusual/path’, which will use the given path as search path for both include and library files in addition to the normal system search paths. The include files will be searched in <path>/include and <path>, the library files will be search in <path>/lib/mysql, <path>/lib, and <path>, in this order.

The username and password for the mySQL database are specified by the mudlib as arguments to the efun db_connect().

Use mysqladmin to create any databases you want to provide - the names are later used in the efun db_connect() to connect to the databases.

Windows 95/98/NT/XP/7

To compile the gamedriver for Windows, you need the ‘Cygwin’ package, which is a port of gcc, bash, and other GNU/Unix programs. Once it is installed and running, the procedure is the same as under Unix.

CygWin is available from (When installing make sure that your installation includes gcc, bash, make,

sed, awk, and bison and stuff listed above...)

There are some pre-compiled binaries for Windows linked from our homepage. Please have a look at:

However, they are compiled for specific mudlibs, so your mileage may vary.