External functions
This directory contains descriptions for the efuns of LDMud.
These are functions that are supplied by the driver and can be called by any LPC object (somewhat similar to system calls in the C library).
There a few kinds of efuns:
- optional
A mud’s maintainer is free to deactivate these efuns when compiling the driver:
alt approach:
- efun::break_point()
- efun::db_affected_rows()
- efun::db_close()
- efun::db_coldefs()
- efun::db_connect()
- efun::db_conv_string()
- efun::db_error()
- efun::db_exec()
- efun::db_fetch()
- efun::db_handles()
- efun::db_insert_id()
- efun::parse_command()
- efun::process_string()
- efun::rusage()
- efun::set_is_wizard()
- efun::transfer()
- efun::tls_available()
- efun::tls_check_certificate()
- efun::tls_deinit_connection()
- efun::tls_error()
- efun::tls_init_connection()
- efun::tls_query_connection_info()
- efun::tls_query_connection_state()
- efun::tls_refresh_certs()
- efun::xml_generate()
- efun::xml_parse()
- experimental
The behaviour of these efuns is not fixed yet, and may change with further releases:
- deprecated
These efuns should no longer be used, they are merely provided for backwards compatibility:
efun index¶
- efun::abs()
- efun::acos()
- efun::add_action()
- efun::all_environment()
- efun::all_inventory()
- efun::allocate()
- efun::and_bits()
- efun::apply()
- efun::asin()
- efun::atan()
- efun::atan2()
- efun::attach_erq_demon()
- efun::baseof()
- efun::binary_message()
- efun::bind_lambda()
- efun::blueprint()
- efun::break_point()
- efun::call_direct()
- efun::call_direct_resolved()
- efun::call_other()
- efun::call_out()
- efun::call_out_info()
- efun::call_resolved()
- efun::caller_stack()
- efun::caller_stack_depth()
- efun::capitalize()
- efun::catch()
- efun::ceil()
- efun::clear_bit()
- efun::clone_object()
- efun::clonep()
- efun::clones()
- efun::closurep()
- efun::command()
- efun::command_stack()
- efun::command_stack_depth()
- efun::configure_driver()
- efun::configure_interactive()
- efun::convert_charset()
- efun::copy()
- efun::copy_bits()
- efun::copy_file()
- efun::cos()
- efun::count_bits()
- efun::creator()
- efun::crypt()
- efun::ctime()
- efun::db_affected_rows()
- efun::db_close()
- efun::db_coldefs()
- efun::db_connect()
- efun::db_conv_string()
- efun::db_error()
- efun::db_exec()
- efun::db_fetch()
- efun::db_handles()
- efun::db_insert_id()
- efun::debug_info()
- efun::debug_message()
- efun::deep_copy()
- efun::deep_inventory()
- efun::destruct()
- efun::disable_commands()
- efun::ed()
- efun::enable_commands()
- efun::enable_telnet()
- efun::end_mccp_compress()
- efun::environment()
- efun::exec()
- efun::execute_command()
- efun::exp()
- efun::expand_define()
- efun::explode()
- efun::export_uid()
- efun::extern_call()
- efun::file_size()
- efun::filter()
- efun::filter_indices()
- efun::filter_objects()
- efun::find_call_out()
- efun::find_input_to()
- efun::find_object()
- efun::first_inventory()
- efun::floatp()
- efun::floor()
- efun::funcall()
- efun::function_exists()
- efun::functionlist()
- efun::garbage_collection()
- efun::get_combine_charset()
- efun::get_connection_charset()
- efun::get_dir()
- efun::get_error_file()
- efun::get_eval_cost()
- efun::get_extra_wizinfo()
- efun::get_max_commands()
- efun::get_type_info()
- efun::geteuid()
- efun::getuid()
- efun::gmtime()
- efun::hash()
- efun::heart_beat_info()
- efun::hmac()
- efun::idna_stringprep()
- efun::idna_to_ascii()
- efun::idna_to_unicode()
- efun::implode()
- efun::include_list()
- efun::inherit_list()
- efun::input_to()
- efun::input_to_info()
- efun::interactive()
- efun::intp()
- efun::invert_bits()
- efun::json_parse()
- efun::json_serialize()
- efun::lambda()
- efun::last_bit()
- efun::last_instructions()
- efun::limited()
- efun::living()
- efun::load_name()
- efun::load_object()
- efun::localtime()
- efun::log()
- efun::lower_case()
- efun::m_add()
- efun::m_allocate()
- efun::m_contains()
- efun::m_delete()
- efun::m_entry()
- efun::m_indices()
- efun::m_reallocate()
- efun::m_values()
- efun::make_shared_string()
- efun::map()
- efun::map_indices()
- efun::map_objects()
- efun::mappingp()
- efun::master()
- efun::match_command()
- efun::max()
- efun::md5()
- efun::md5_crypt()
- efun::member()
- efun::min()
- efun::mkdir()
- efun::mkmapping()
- efun::mktime()
- efun::move_object()
- efun::negate()
- efun::net_connect()
- efun::next_bit()
- efun::next_inventory()
- efun::notify_fail()
- efun::object_info()
- efun::object_name()
- efun::object_time()
- efun::objectp()
- efun::or_bits()
- efun::parse_command()
- efun::pg_close()
- efun::pg_connect()
- efun::pg_conv_string()
- efun::pg_pending()
- efun::pg_query()
- efun::pointerp()
- efun::pow()
- efun::present()
- efun::present_clone()
- efun::previous_object()
- efun::printf()
- efun::process_string()
- efun::program_name()
- efun::program_time()
- efun::query_actions()
- efun::query_command()
- efun::query_editing()
- efun::query_idle()
- efun::query_input_pending()
- efun::query_ip_name()
- efun::query_ip_number()
- efun::query_limits()
- efun::query_load_average()
- efun::query_mccp()
- efun::query_mccp_stats()
- efun::query_mud_port()
- efun::query_notify_fail()
- efun::query_once_interactive()
- efun::query_shadowing()
- efun::query_snoop()
- efun::query_udp_port()
- efun::query_verb()
- efun::quote()
- efun::raise_error()
- efun::random()
- efun::read_bytes()
- efun::read_file()
- efun::referencep()
- efun::regexp()
- efun::regexp_package()
- efun::regexplode()
- efun::regmatch()
- efun::regreplace()
- efun::remove_action()
- efun::remove_call_out()
- efun::remove_input_to()
- efun::remove_interactive()
- efun::rename()
- efun::rename_object()
- efun::replace_program()
- efun::restore_object()
- efun::restore_value()
- efun::reverse()
- efun::rm()
- efun::rmdir()
- efun::rmember()
- efun::rusage()
- efun::save_object()
- efun::save_value()
- efun::say()
- efun::send_erq()
- efun::send_udp()
- efun::set_bit()
- efun::set_buffer_size()
- efun::set_combine_charset()
- efun::set_connection_charset()
- efun::set_driver_hook()
- efun::set_environment()
- efun::set_extra_wizinfo()
- efun::set_extra_wizinfo_size()
- efun::set_heart_beat()
- efun::set_is_wizard()
- efun::set_limits()
- efun::set_max_commands()
- efun::set_modify_command()
- efun::set_next_reset()
- efun::set_prompt()
- efun::set_this_object()
- efun::set_this_player()
- efun::seteuid()
- efun::sgn()
- efun::sha1()
- efun::shadow()
- efun::shutdown()
- efun::sin()
- efun::sizeof()
- efun::sl_close()
- efun::sl_exec()
- efun::sl_insert_id()
- efun::sl_open()
- efun::snoop()
- efun::sort_array()
- efun::sprintf()
- efun::sqrt()
- efun::sscanf()
- efun::start_mccp_compress()
- efun::strftime()
- efun::stringp()
- efun::strlen()
- efun::strrstr()
- efun::strstr()
- efun::struct_info()
- efun::structp()
- efun::swap()
- efun::symbol_function()
- efun::symbol_variable()
- efun::symbolp()
- efun::tan()
- efun::tell_object()
- efun::tell_room()
- efun::terminal_colour()
- efun::test_bit()
- efun::this_interactive()
- efun::this_object()
- efun::this_player()
- efun::throw()
- efun::time()
- efun::tls_available()
- efun::tls_check_certificate()
- efun::tls_deinit_connection()
- efun::tls_error()
- efun::tls_init_connection()
- efun::tls_query_connection_info()
- efun::tls_query_connection_state()
- efun::tls_refresh_certs()
- efun::to_array()
- efun::to_float()
- efun::to_int()
- efun::to_object()
- efun::to_string()
- efun::to_struct()
- efun::trace()
- efun::traceprefix()
- efun::transfer()
- efun::transpose_array()
- efun::trim()
- efun::typeof()
- efun::unbound_lambda()
- efun::unique_array()
- efun::unmkmapping()
- efun::unquote()
- efun::unshadow()
- efun::upper_case()
- efun::users()
- efun::utime()
- efun::variable_exists()
- efun::variable_list()
- efun::walk_mapping()
- efun::widthof()
- efun::wizlist_info()
- efun::write()
- efun::write_bytes()
- efun::write_file()
- efun::xml_generate()
- efun::xml_parse()
- efun::xor_bits()