mixed apply( closure cl, ...)


Evaluates the closure cl with the following arguments. If the last argument is an array or struct, it will be flattened: ie. the array/struct itself will be removed and its contents added to the argument list of cl.

If cl is not a closure, it will simply be returned (and all other arguments are ignored).


The flattening of the last argument is the important difference between apply(E) and funcall(E). For example:

mixed eval(object ob, string func, mixed *args)
  return apply(#'call_other, ob, func, args);

This will result in calling:


Using funcall(E) instead of apply(E) would have given us:


Of course, with the ‘...’ operator we could also write:

mixed eval(object ob, string func, mixed *args)
  return funcall(#'call_other, ob, func, args...);

and achieve the same result.


  • introduced (3.2@70)
  • changed (3.2.8) – adds the returning of a non-closure as first argument.
  • changed (3.3) – added the ‘...’ operator and thus made apply(E) in fact redundant.
  • changed (3.3.266) – added support for structs.