#include <time.h>
int mktime( int *ts)


If the argument ts is an array with 9 elements (int) according to the result of localtime(E) or gmtime(E), this function returns the number of seconds passed since the epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970). This can be used to store a date or time as an integer value or to compute differences betweens two different dates or times.

The array ts has to have the following structure:

place contains
int TM_SEC (0) Seconds (0..59)
int TM_MIN (1) Minutes (0..59)
int TM_HOUR (2) Hours (0..23)
int TM_MDAY (3) Day of the month (1..31)
int TM_MON (4) Month of the year (0..11)
int TM_YEAR (5) Year (e.g. 2001)
int TM_WDAY (6) Day of the week (Sunday = 0)
int TM_YDAY (7) Day of the year (0..365)
int TM_ISDST (8) TRUE during daylight saving time

TM_YDAY and TM_WDAY are ignored and can contain arbitrary integer values.


A date and time (user input) shall be stored as unix timestamp. In the below example, unixtime holds the unix timestamp corresponding to “Wed Oct 24 10:48:00 2007”:

int unixtime = mktime( ({0, 48, 09, 24, 09, 2007, 0, 01, 0}) );


  • introduced (3.3.718)