object present_clone( string str)
object present_clone( string str, int n)
object present_clone( string str, object env)
object present_clone( string str, object env, int n)
object present_clone( object obj)
object present_clone( object obj, int n)
object present_clone( object obj, object env)
object present_clone( object obj, object env, int n)


This efun searches the inventory of object env (default is this_object()) for an object with a specific blueprint. The blueprint can be specified either by name str, or as the same blueprint as of object obj. The matching criteria in both cases is the load_name(). If n is given, object n in env is returned (if present), otherwise the first object matching str or obj. If no object in env matches the criteria, 0 is returned.


In contrast to present(E), this efun never searches in the environment of env.

For plain driver this name starts with a ‘/’, for __COMPAT_MODE__ drivers it doesn’t.


Assume that object env contains the objects /obj/money#8, /std/weapon#9, /std/weapon#12 and /obj/key in the given order.

Function call returns
present_clone("/obj/money", env) /obj/money#8
present_clone("/std/weapon#12", env) /std/weapon#9
present_clone(find_object("/obj/money#14"), env) /obj/money#8
present_clone("/obj/key#18", env) /obj/key
present_clone("/std/weapon#12", env, 2) /std/weapon#12
present_clone("/std/weapon#12", env, 3) 0


  • introduced (3.2.7)
  • changed (3.3.718) – added searching for the :arg:`n`th object.