object previous_object()
object previous_object( int i)


Returns an object pointer to the object that did a call (call_other(E), funcall(E), etc) to the current object, if any. If that object is destructed, the function returns 0.

If the optional i is given and 0 <= i < caller_stack_depth(), the call_others are followed back i times (i.e. previous_object(1) returns the caller of the caller). If i is less than 0, the first previous object is returned (as if i == 0 was passed).

There is an important special case: in functions called by the gamedriver in reaction to some external event (e.g. commands added by add_action), previous_object() will return this_object(), but previous_object(0) will return 0.


This example shows how we can check if the last call to a function of the current object is secure or if we should abort execution:

int security() {
   object prev;
   if (!(prev=previous_object()));
   else if (getuid(prev)  != getuid(this_object()));
   else if (geteuid(prev) != geteuid(this_object()));
   else return 1;
   return 0;
void highly_sensible_func() {
    if (!security())
See Also:call_other(E), this_object(E), this_player(E),

caller_stack(E), caller_stack_depth(E), extern_call(E)