mixed * to_array( string)
mixed * to_array( symbol)
mixed * to_array( quotedarray)
mixed * to_array( mixed *)
mixed * to_array( struct)


Strings and symbols are converted to an int array that consists of the args characters.


the string “12” will be converted to the array ({ 33, 34 }), and not ({ 33, 34, 0 }) (the LDMud versions prior to 3.3 returned the latter array).

Quoted arrays are “dequoted”, and arrays are left as they are.

Structs are converted into a normal array.


The cast notation only works if the precise type of <value> is known at compile-time. This will not be fixed–use the function form instead.


  • changed (3.3.250) – added structs to the accepted data types.