void write( mixed msg)


Write out something to the current user. What exactly will be printed in the end depends of the type of msg:

  • If it is a string or a number then just prints it out.
  • If it is an object then the object will be printed in the form: "OBJ("+object_name((object)mix)+")"
  • If it is an array just <ARRAY> will be printed.
  • If it is a mapping just <MAPPING> will be printed.
  • If it is a closure just <CLOSURE> will be printed.

If the function is invoked by a command of a non-interactive living object (such as an NPC) and the given argument is a string, the lfun catch_tell(A) of the living will be invoked with the message as argument.


Just print out a string:

write("Hello world!\n");

Other types are mostly just useful for debug purposes:

write(this_player());  // prints "OBJ(std/player#1234)"
write( ({ "blub" }) ); // prints "<ARRAY>"