void inaugurate_master( int arg)


This function is called in the master object after it has been created and is fully functional.


The create(A) function is of little use in constructing the master object because there is no simul_efun object yet and the interpreter does not know anything about the user-ids and access permissions.

The argument arg denotes why this function is called:

arg = 0
the mud just started, this is the first master of all.
arg = 1
the master was destructed and then reactivated (because a new one couldn’t be loaded).
arg = 2
the master was destructed and then reactivated, but additionally lost all variable contents.
arg = 3
this is a reloaded master.

This function has to at least set up the driverhooks to use (in 3.2.1). Also, any mudwho or wizlist handling has to be initialized here.

Besides that, do whatever you feel you need to do, e.g. set_auto_include_string(), or give the master a decent euid.