for(<init>; <expr2>; <expr3>) statement;


Execute init once. Then, while expr2 returns a non-zero value, execute statement. Every time statement has been executed, or a continue statement has been executed, execute expr3 before next loop.

init is usually a series of one or more expressions (remember that assignments are expressions, too), separated by commas. Additionally it is also allowed to define new local variables here and assign them an initial value. The scope of such variables is the whole for statement.


Examples for legal init expressions are:

for (i = 0; ...
for (i = 0, j = 0; ...
for (i = 0, int j = i; ...
for (int j = 4; ...

Illegal init expressions are:

for (int i; ...      // no value assigned
for (int i += 4; ... // only plain assignments allowed

A break in the statement will terminate the loop. A continue will continue the execution from the beginning of the loop.