literal constructor:


Strings in lpc are true strings, not arrays of characters as in C (and not pointers to strings). Strings are mutable – that is, the contents of a string can be modified as needed.

The text of a string is written between double-quotes (”). A string can written over several lines when the lineends are escaped (like a macro), however a better solution is to write one string per line and let the gamedriver concatenate them.

String text typically consists of literal characters, but escape-sequences can be used instead of characters:

the character code N in decimal
the character code N in sedecimal
the character code N in sedecimal
the character code N in octal
the character code N in binary
Bell (0x07)
Backspace (0x08)
Tab (0x09)
Escape (0x1b)
Newline (0x0a)
Formfeed (0x0c)
Carriage Return (0x0d)
\<other character>
the given character

Adjacent string literals are automatically concatenated by the driver when the LPC program is compiled. String literals joined with ‘+’ are concatenated by the LPC compiler as well.

