

On hosts with the mySQL package installed, the driver can be configured to interface with the mySQL database. If that is done, the driver defines the __MYSQL__ for LPC programs and activates a number of efuns.


Create a dedicated user in the mySQL database for the driver. Enter this username and password in the file pkg-mysql.c, (function mysql_real_connect()), and compile the driver (the username and password are built into the driver for security reasons). If you choose to not create either a username and/or a password, leave the corresponding entry at 0.

Use mysqladmin to create any databases you want to provide - the names are later used in the db_connect(E) to connect to the databases.

Working with a mySQL database

The idea behind SQL-support is that you can swap large amounts of data into a database where it can be accessed very easily. As mySQL “limits” the number of connections to 100 and as every connection to the mySQL-server takes time, you should use database serverobjects in your MUD which constantly keep the connection to the mySQL-server.

To connect to your mySQL-server, use the db_connect(E). It takes only one argument which is the name of the database (which must exist). The return-value of db_connect(E) is an integer representing the unique handle to the database with which you will identify your connection later.

To send or retrieve data from this connection, use db_exec(E). The first parameter for all efuns dealing with an open connection is always the handle and so is the first argument the handle and the second one the command you want to issue. The return-value is either 0 if there was an error in your command (this can have various reasons), otherwise your handle is returned again. A typical SQL-statement to retrieve data would be like:

select aliases.command from aliases where (name = 'mario' AND
  alias regexp 'l.*')

As you know, mySQL accepts either ” or ‘ to classify strings for parameters. Most likely, you will pass variables and don’t know whether they contain one or more of these key-chars (or even other chars that need to be converted). mySQL provides a function for converting just any string into an acceptable argument and this is implemented in db_conv_string(E).

So the above example with variables looks like:

select aliases.command from aliases where (name ='"+
  db_conv_string(name)+"' AND alias regexp '"+

I left out the db_exec(E)-stuff, more complete examples will follow.


After you initiated a statement that could return rows from the database, use db_fetch(E) to retrieve each row. You need to call it until it returns 0. If you stop calling db_fetch(E) before it reaches the end of data, serious inconsistencies can happen!

If you used a DELETE or UPDATE statement, you cannot call db_fetch(E), but you can query the number of deleted/changed rows with db_affected_rows(E).

After all operations are done in the database, you should use db_close(E) to close the connection again. If you are using a database-server concept (such as the one in the usage section), call it from the lfun remove(A).

The SQL efuns have some built-in optimization-features to speed up often used connections. To get a list of all open connections to the mySQL-server, use db_handles(E) which returns an array of integers with all open handles.


Most SQL efuns (unless executed by the master or simul-efun objects) trigger a privilege_violation ("mysql", "<efun_name>"). If a more fine-grained control is desired, overload the individual efuns with a nomask simul-efun.

The unprivileged efuns are:


The driver enables automatic reconnects on the database connections. This means that if a connection is lost (the most common case for this is timeouts, which by default happen after 28800 seconds of inactivity) an attempt will be made to establish a new connection to the database server. When that happens, all session state (temprary tables and state changes from SET statements) will be lost. It’s best not to rely on such state.


A simple server to store aliases could be implemented like this:

**  create table aliases (
**      name varchar(15) not NULL,
**      alias varchar(20) not NULL,
**      command varchar(255) not NULL,
**      primary key (name, alias));

#define DATABASE "mud"

private int handle;

public void create()
  handle = db_connect(DATABASE);

public int remove()
  if ( handle )
  return !ME;

public int AddAlias(string alias, string command, object ob)
  if ( !handle )
    handle = db_connect(DATABASE);
  if ( !db_exec(handle, "insert into aliases (name, alias, command) values ('" + getuid(ob) + "','" + db_conv_string(alias)+ "','" +db_conv_string(command) + "')") )
    return -1;
  return 1;

public int RemoveAlias(string alias, object ob)
  int res;

  if ( !handle )
    handle = db_connect(DATABASE);
  res = db_exec(handle,
    "delete from aliases where (name = '"+ getuid(ob) + "' AND alias = '" + db_conv_string(alias)+ "')");
  if ( !res )
    return 0;
  res = db_affected_rows(handle);
  return (res > 0)?1:-1;

public mixed *QueryAliases(string mask, object ob)
  mixed *result;
  string *tmp;

  if ( !handle )
    handle = db_connect(DATABASE);
  if ( !db_exec(handle, "select aliases.alias, aliases.command from aliases where (name = '" + getuid(ob) + "' AND alias regexp '" + db_conv_string(mask) + "')") )
    return ({ });
  result = ({ });
  while ( sizeof(tmp = db_fetch(handle)) )
    result += ({ tmp });
  return result;

public string QueryAlias(string alias, object ob)
  mixed *result;
  string *tmp;

  if ( !handle )
    handle = db_connect(DATABASE);
  if ( !db_exec(handle, "select aliases.command from aliases where (name = '" + getuid(ob)+ "' AND alias = '" + db_conv_string(alias) + "')") )
    return 0;
  result = ({ });
  while ( sizeof(tmp = db_fetch(handle)) )
    result += tmp;
  return sizeof(result)?result[0]:0;


Mark Daniel Reidel and others.


  • introduced (3.2.8) – as package
  • changed (3.2.9) – integrated with driver
  • changed (3.2.11) – added a privilege_violation() call for each efun