#include <sys/driver_hooks.h>
set_driver_hook( H_TELNET_NEG, value)


  • value (string) – void|mixed <name>(int action, int option [, int * opts ] )
  • value (closure) – void|mixed <closure>(int action, int option [, int * opts ] )

Optional hook to specifiy how to perform a single telnet negotiation. Hook setting may be any closure or a string. If not set, most telnet options are rejected (read: only a very minimal negotiation takes place).

The hook is called whenever the driver receives a demand for option negotiation for any option the driver does not handle itself. By default, the driver deals with the following options:

TELOPT_ECHO: Echo option TELOPT_SGA: Suppress Go Ahead (nearly always on) TELOPT_COMPRESS: Mud client compression protocol (obsolete) TELOPT_COMPRESS2: Mud client compression protocol V2

For all other telnet options negotiations, this hook is called.

The hook has then to perform the negotiation using the :efun::binary_message(E).

Alternatively, if H_NOECHO(H) is set, this hook is called for all telnet data received.

If the setting is a string, it used as the name of an lfun to call in this_player(). Closures are just called, with unbound lambda-closures being bound to this_player() prior to execution.

The hook is called for a ‘DO/DONT/WILL/WONT <opt>’ with the action (DO/DONT/...) as the first, and <opt> as the second argument.

For example:, if the driver receives the sequence

IAC SB <opt> <opts>...

followed by IAC SB/SE, the hook is called with ‘SB’ as first argument, <opt> as second, and <opts> as an array of integers as third argument.


An incomplete list of telnet negotiations this hook is called for includes the following:

SB: Suboption negotiation TELOPT_LINEMODE: linemode TELOPT_NAWS: window size TELOPT_TTYPE: terminal type TELOPT_TM: timing mark TELOPT_NEWENV: remote environment variables TELOPT_ENVIRON: remote environment variables TELOPT_XDISPLOC: remote X display address TELOPT_TSPEED: terminal speed TELOPT_BINARY: binary data, needed for non-ASCII charsets TELOPT_EOR: TinyFugue prompt marker (together with EOR)

TELOPT_MSP: Mud Sound Protocol TELOPT_MXP: Mud Extension Protocol TELOPT_MSSP: Mud Server Status Protocol TELOPT_GMCP: Generic Mud Communication Protocol